Cleanin Out The Old Inbox

Wow, I actually went a day without posting anything. Yesterday was the first time since the site went live that I missed one. Not that it matters though since Matt seems to have things well in hand, filling up the weekend quite nicely. Maybe it matters to those of you who don’t like Matt and …

Hallowe’en Countdown. Those Cool Spider Ring Things

And now another installment of our fun little Halloween Countdown from over on X-E. Today we look at those cool spider rings. What would Hallowe’en be without Spider Rings? A Crappy Hallowe’en, that’s what! Enjoy! —Our collective fascination with those damned plastic “spider rings” is something I find difficult to explain, but for the sake …

Hallowe’en Countdown. Freaky Froot Loops!

Here’s Another neat little Hallowe’en Treat for y’all. —–The cereal aisles have been positively assaulted by the Halloween spirit, with virtually every brand except for those fibrous ones meant to help old people shit getting the spooky treatment. While Count Chocula and pals lead the pack, some of the more iconic bad boys of the …

Letterman, Leafs & The Most Evil Person On The Planet

For the last little while Letterman’s been airing some stuff in a segment called “Meet The Governor”. He’s got clips of Arnond smoking pot, groping women and just basically making an ass of himself in general. It’s some pretty funny stuff that Letterman has said “will become a regular segment until I get bored.”. Definitely …