I Don’t Care What Anyone Says, People Really Do Listen To Me

I’ve beensaying for years that we should get rid of the penny,and finally, hopefully, the idea is gaining some steam. All it took was for some group with a fancy name totake my idea and not credit meto make things happen, but hey, that’s nothing new. That sort of thing comes with the territory when …

A Big Geek with a Strange Sense of Humour

Good lord. Leave it to my brother to find geeky but funny links. This one explains why, according to some kind of circuit theory, you should date multiple people at once. I love the way he linked to it. All he’d dare say is, “This link is interesting.” Hmmm. I think he’s afraid to say …

Glucometer Manufacturers can be Real Pricks!

I’m doing some research for a friend who is diabetic to help her find a talking glucometer, that thing that tests your sugar levels, and a thought dawned on me. This shouldn’t be as hard as it is! No, hear me out, I’m not just whining. This is a diabetes-control aid. Diabetes has the capacity …

Do Unto Yourself as the People in These Pictures are Doing Unto Each Other.

Here we go again with Telus in the news, only this time, I’m on their side. Telus Mobility has decided to allow people to download porn on their cell phones for a fee. The porn that users can access has been checked to see if it meets federal and provincial standards, and only people who …

We want your Savings Since We’re Missing Our Souls.

Wow. I think it would be a miracle if these assholes could sleep at night. The sad thing is they probably can. During their fund-raising campaignes, hosts on the Miracle Channel would strongly advocate that their viewers cash out their RRSP’s and donate them to the station. Choice quotes like “There is somebody right now …

Like a Kid in a Candy Shoppe!

This is going to be the weirdest post ever. On second thought, that’s a tall order, writing the weirdest post ever. What would this post have to top to get that award? I’m not sure. That’s a hard one. Would it have to beat the guy who burped in Steve’s ear at the mall? Or …

Penny for Your Thoughts? How about 22000 of ’em?

I’m still laughing. I don’t think this guy was expecting the response he got, but it’s still funny. Police mistake package of pennies for bomb WILLIAMS LAKE, B.C. (Feb 12, 2007) As protests go, it was a bomb. It began when a disgruntled Williams Lake rancher dumped a package on the steps of his local …

Somewhere, There’s a Code Monkey in Trouble

This is just a quick post to warn anyone who might have clicked on John Pinette’s website in our links bar and thought about buying his stuff via PayPal that you shouldn’t do it. I guess that address isn’t being used anymore and you have to buy all his stuff through Amazon. Luckily for me, …