This Beats The Donzer Song Any Day

Last Updated on: 12th November 2013, 09:12 am

Oh my. I wish something like that could happen with our national anthem. I’m trying to think of what words someone could fuck up to make something nearly this amusing. Hmmm. Anybody got any ideas?

Basically, Tony Henry, an English opera singer who spoke 0 Croatian, was askd to sing the Croatian national anthem at Wembley for a soccer game that decided who went on to the Euro 2008 games. But instead of singing a line that said “you know, my dear, how we love your mountains,” he sang “My dear, my penis is a mountain.” And all he did was put an r where a d should have been! Wow!

Damn! Can you imagine an opera singer belting that line out with all his might? Just envision him thinking about how he doesn’t know the words he’s singing, but this is their national anthem, so he has to make it sound like he’s just full, swelling, if you will, with mountainous…pride!

But here’s the cool part. The Croatians are not offended! They think of him as a lucky omen because his blunder made the players laugh, and then they won, edging England out of qualifying for the Euro 2008 games. Isn’t that just a kick in the, well, mountainous penis for Tony Henry?

I love his reaction. He’s all serious, apologizing if he offended the Croatians and talking about how he would never intentionally sing about his “parts” like that.

Man, some stuff is just funny as hell. I think we need to take a lesson from the Croatians, and if something laughable happens in our national anthem, we should just have a chuckle about it and let it go.

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