Another Update To The Wendy Portillo Story

Somehow, I missed a development in the Wendy Portillo saga. The mom of Alex Barton, the kid that got voted out of kindergarten, sued the schoolboard and had to take a settlement. $300000 doesn’t seem like nearly enough punishment for what that teacher did. But I guess this will be the real end to the …

A Study On The Intelligibility Of Speech, Or The Twistedness Of The Human Brain, Or Both. I Don’t Know.

Ouch. My brain hurts. I just completed a study trying to rate the intelligibility of text to speech synthesis. You wouldn’t think that would be hard, but by the end, it gets fucking next to impossible! Don’t believe me? I dare you to try it. You listen to 198 nonsense sentences that seem to come …


>There’s no such thing as the proper time, place or method for a 50-year-old man to communicate with his teenaged girlfriend, but if there were, I’m sure we could all agree that the time wouldn’t be whenever he could, the place wouldn’t be from inside a Marion, Illinois federal prison where he is currently incarcerated …

>Another Opportunity To Comment On The Standards

>Well, it’s time, again, to comment on those Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act standards I mention from time to time. They have tweaked the integrated standard, and we have until March 18 to comment. So, read the standards, and comment if you feel you have something to say. I probably will at some point.

He Won’t Come, When You Call, He Won’t Chhase, Squirrels At All…

I wish I hadn’t already used the title “Dead Puppies Aren’t Much Fun” because it would have been appropriate for this story. We honestly don’t know what the hell Stacey Champion was thinking. My best guess is that she was trying to save money, and was too stupid/uncaring to figure out that this was a …

Free-Dumb: The Police Got A Free Dose Of Dumb, And He’s Dumb And Not Free.

If you’re looking for someone to carjack, a uniformed deputy in a sheriff’s inmate van probably isn’t your best choice. You’ll likely end up on the inside of that van, but not driving it. Wouldn’t you agree, Leonard Baskerville?

Frank’s Red Hot: I Put That Shit On Everyone!

It’s pretty sad when a kid gets adopted by someone who ends up treating him like this. Jessica Beagley adopted two boys from Russia. One of them hasn’t had any issues, but this one apparently does. So, in the video, she resorted to forcing hot sauce into his mouth and then throwing him in a …

Common Sense Just Went Down The Toilet

This story of a three-year-old being suspended for a month from preschool for having a few accidents is such bullshit. This trend of getting kids into schools younger and younger and then not dealing with the consequences is total insanity. Little Zoe Rosso is 3. She’s pretty good at making it to the potty on …

Luckily For Him, He Stayed Unleaded.

I guess one thing I can say about this guy is he didn’t bring his kids to the scene of the crime, like some of our other prizes have. No, he left the kids, both under 5, at home alone when he went out to rob a gas station. Then he came back home. Too …