Find Candy, The Lost Cockapoo

Last Updated on: 20th June 2019, 08:18 am

Update: She’s been found!

Candy the lost cockapoo
On Friday, while reading about all the snow and freezing rain and lack of buses and all that stuff, I saw a disturbing tweet about a recently spayed female cockapoo named Candy that ran away, with flexi-leash still attached, in the Woodlawn and Victoria Road area. Now, for those of you who aren’t from here, Woodlawn and Victoria are both very very busy roads. You don’t screw around with those.

I guess the poor thing is a rescue, and spooks easily. While the foster family was walking it, something scared the poor thing, and it ran. Of course, the leash is still attached, and it’s clanging around behind it, which is making it run even faster. It took off across the road, and apparently was headed in the direction of the Upper Grand District Schoolboard. The poor person can’t exactly throw caution to the wind and go after it, so here we are now. Because the flexi-leash is still attached, there’s a pretty bad strangulation worry, rightly so. This just screams eek all over the place.

By the sounds of things, it had been rescued from some pretty serious neglect, so is very very shy. So, coming up to it in a hurry probably isn’t the best idea. They recommend approaching the pooch facing away from it at a 45 degree angle, and probably with food.

The pooch went missing Thursday night, and according to this facebook page put up to help find her, they still haven’t. Hopefully that means someone managed to take her in, and they just have to find that someone.

If you know anything about this poor little dog, contact the Barlee’s Angels Rescue Network or the Guelph Humane Society. They know about the search, and will connect dog with the right people. If you live in the area, look in places where a dog might be hiding out…under decks, in sheds or garages, small places where a 30-lb dog could perhaps make themselves as invisible as possible.

It breaks my heart that it’s been three days and they still haven’t found her. They’ve been searching every day and still nothing. Help put Candy the cockapoo back in safe hands.

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