A Post With A Bunch Of Stuff In It Just To Show You We’re Alive

Last Updated on: 26th November 2013, 02:05 pm

So…this place sure has been hopping lately, eh? Yeah…about that. I’m sorry. Really, I am. But to be honest, it can’t be helped, and I can’t say when it’s going to get better.

I don’t want to get into a whole lot of specifics, so I’ll leave it at this: There are a few things going on around here that are making dick jokes, bad music, random videos and stories about retarded people doing even more retardeder things seem much less important than usual. To those of you who know what’s been happening, thanks for the support. To the rest of you, hang in there. We’re not trying to be lazy asses, That’s just how it’s had to be for a while.

By the way, remind me never to have a sleep-related brain snap around the same time as a very stressful ongoing event. It doesn’t end well, I’m finding.

Now…what can I tell you that you might not already know?

If you’re James McGhee, you don’t seem to know that wearing a shirt with best dad written on it in your sex offender registry photo isn’t the best idea you’ve ever come up with, especially since you needed that photo because of a little thing called sexual exploitation of a minor.

If you’re Misty Lawson, you may not know how much trouble punching your 10-year-old son a few times during a visit with an anger management counselor will get you in, even if the kid might be a little shit.

If you’re Vince Russo, you most definitely do not know how cocksuckingly horrible you are at your job about 98% of the time. You may, however, be aware of the celebrations being thrown by wrestling fans upon hearing the news that you’ve finally been relieved of it. If anything was going to make me feel happy enough to write again at least for a moment, it’s this.

“TNA and Vince Russo have mutually parted ways as of this week. The separation is amicable and professional. We are glad for the opportunity to have worked together and wish each other nothing but good luck and success in the future.”

Here’s to success meaning that he opens up another video store and stays away from the wrestling business he’s helped ruin for good. Good riddance to whatever it is that books worse than bad rubbish.

If you’re WWE, you have no idea how sad I am and how much I kind of hate you guys right now for taking the Funkasaurus away from me. He was different and he was fun, both things that your product mostly hasn’t been in years. Oh well, at least we’ll always have the memories.

Somebody call my mama!

If you’re the Earl Witty responsible for running the RIDE program, you could, pending the results of the current investigation, soon learn that showing up to work while on the sauce might sound fun on paper, but really isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Not very witty of you if I may say so, officer.

And finally, if you’re lots of people, you might not know that the 6Dot Braille Labeler that Carin made mention of a while ago is out of the development stage and ready to be ordered! On the list of blind folk gadgets I’d like to own, this one ranks pretty high. I’m saying this sight unseen, by the way. Yes, I do hear you chuckling at that, sighted person. Carry on.

And for now, I think I’m going to make that everything. You all should be well and learned up now, I hope. We’ll try to check in soon, whenever that is.

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