Weekend Audio: Greetings From The Shoe Thief

Ok, so technically this is last weekend’s audio, but things happen. Things like me coming down with a 3 day flu the next morning, for example. In retrospect I think that’s part of the reason I sound so sleepy here. Part beverages and part impending doom. People have asked for it, and we’ve finally delivered. …

Brown Paper Pete

A cowboy walks into a bar and orders a whisky. When the bartender delivers the drink, the cowboy asks, “Where is everybody?” “They’ve gone to the hanging,” The bartender replies. “Hanging? Who are they hanging?” “Brown Paper Pete,” the bartender answers. “What kind of a name is that?” the cowboy asks. “Well,” says the bartender, …

A Few Jokes To Start Your Friday

It’s another Friday, and I feel like clearing out a bit more of my insanely huge joke backlog. Here are some to get you started. There will probably be more. You’ve been warned. *A guy walks into a bar and sees his friend, head hanging down, nursing a drink. Naturally he walks over and asks …

Blind People Want To Know: Where Did The We Count Our Steps Thing Come From

Dear Sighted World: It’s me, a blind fellow. My blind girlfriend and I would like you to answer a question for us, if it’s not too much trouble. This idea that all blind people count every step we take as one of the primary ways of knowing where we are at all times…where did that …

And Yet Another Family Falls Into This Tag

Yup, I really don’t have anything else to say except “I told you so.” Meet Charlie Codling and family, who were unfortunate enough to ask for cards from around the web for their sick little boy. Now they are begging people to stopstopstop. I don’t know why I keep posting these, except one family told …

The Mailman And What Do You Call That?

In case you haven’t noticed, I’m trying to trim down the insane joke backlog I always seem to have. So here are a couple more you may or may not enjoy. Expect a lot of this in the next little while. *”Guess what I heard today?” a man says to his wife. “What, hon?” she …

The Court Of Appeal Wishes To Confirm That The Federal Government Is Fighting A Losing Battle

The results of the federal government’s ridiculous appeal of the lawsuit Donna Jodhan filed against it over the shameful state of accessibility on its websites have come in, and guess what? It’s Jodhan 2, Feds 0. A Toronto woman’s 2010 legal victory ordering Ottawa to make government websites accessible to the blind within 15 months …