The Spying DVR: Because We Like It When Our TV Watches Us Back

No, this doesn’t sound creepy and over the line or anything. Nope, not in the slightest. Fierce Cable was first to report on a patent application filed by Verizon that indicates the company is interested in gleaning more information about its viewers for the purpose of delivering more targeted advertisements. So what might this spy-like …

Either Agree About The Zombies Or I’m Gonna Turn You Into One!

So, girlfriend of mine. You don’t believe that a zombie outbreak like on The Walking Dead could happen? I’m sorry honey, but that’s a shootin’. Nassau County Detective Lt. Raymond Cote said Jared Gurman, 26, argued via text messages with his girlfriend, Jessica Gelderman, 27, just after 2:30 a.m. Monday about the possibility of a …

What Shall We Do To Help The Drunken Sailor?

Old songs. We all love them. We all sing them. But as much as we enjoy and care for them and the traditions they represent, we all have to admit that there are some that could really use some updating in order to conform to modern day sensibilities. Drunken Sailor, for instance. The punishments dealt …

Her Name Is Hashtag, But We Call Her # For Short

Doctor: Good news, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. You have just given birth to a happy, healthy 8-pound baby girl! Congratulations! Mom: She’s beautiful! Dad: Wow. she’s…so small! Mom: She has your eyes! Look at her! Dad: Awwwwww. She does! Mom: I can’t believe this is happening! We’re so lucky! Dad: I have my very own …

Here Comes Another Christmas Card Request

Oh dear. Just took a look at Snopes. I had just been thinking “We haven’t seen a story about someone asking for Christmas cards…” Enter Nathan Norman. The poor little guy, bless his heart, is fighting for his life against brain cancer and asked for Christmas cards…and oh boy, here they come. I’m glad that …