
I heard about this on Friday, and went out to find it. Apparently some people over at 4chan, the same people who tricked people into shaving their heads for Justin Bieber, convincing them he had cancer, cooked up another doozer. It looked like an Apple ad for iOS7, except this ad told people that simply …

Why Does Dry Dog Food Have To Smell So Friggin Terrible?

I’m not really that much of a dog person, which is one of the reasons why I don’t do the guide dog thing. but that said, I love Carin’s dogs and have gotten along great with all of them. It’s like the way a lot of us love babies. They’re so cute and snugly and …

We’re Getting Shafted On Holidays Again: The Blue Jays 2014 Schedule Edition

I used to point this out quite a bit, but didn’t much harp on it this year…I don’t think. I’m kinda glad I didn’t waste the energy in hindsight, since I don’t remember the last time I gave up on a baseball season quite so hard as I have on this one. Christ, this morning …

The Old Vice-Mayor Just Ain’t What He Used To Be

Now that he’s no longer the Vice-Mayor of Mount Carmel, Tennessee, it’s only natural that William Blakely would want to find a new way to occupy his time. What’s not so natural or maybe a little too natural depending on your perspective is the pastime he apparently chose. According to police and a bunch of …

What Kind Of Name Is Decadent Chocolate Chip For A Cookie, Anyway

Speaking of Dave Nichol, Carin wondered this morning while we were talking about him why you would ever call a cookie decadent, since decadent means decaying. I said I was pretty sure that it also meant something like sinful or pleasing, but she wasn’t convinced. Well, I looked it up. There’s decay and moral decline …

Memories Of Dave Nichol

When I was a kid, you couldn’t turn on a TV in Canada without seeing Dave Nichol in ads pushing the new President’s Choice Memories of something or other. He was everywhere…until he disappeared. I can’t remember when those commercials suddenly stopped (I want to say mid 90’s), but it’s been a long time. But …

Some iOS 7 Annoyances And How To Fix Them

The invitation to upgrade to iOS 7 has been sitting on my phone for a few days now, but I still haven’t bothered. Partly because headaches, partly because I’m going away soon and the last thing I need is a phone that doesn’t work and partly because I want time to read things like this …