This Might Get Jian Gho-Messy…

Um, what a day yesterday. I’m scrolling through tweets…and…huh? Jian Ghomeshi? Fired? Huh? Suing the CBC? Huh? Where in the world did that come from? He was just taking some time off for personal reasons. And then Jian Ghomeshi put up his own statement saying why he thinks it happened, and…then things got interesting for …

Just A Drunk Ol’ Boy…

Were you to ask me what sort of person would do this, my answer would be either a drunk guy or a Floridian. In this case, I’d be right twice. Authorities say Travis Ryan Royal of Dunnellon was seen dragging a 48-inch, flat-screen television toward the front door of the Wal-Mart at 9570 SW State …

Please Vote Tomorrow. To Help You Out, Here’s All The Waterloo Region Candidate Info You Can Handle

Municipal elections can be confusing beasts. Here in Kitchener Waterloo, for instance, we have on the ballot a mayor, 2 councils (city and regional), a Regional Chair and whatever your flavour of school board. You cast one vote for Mayor, one for ward representative on your city council, one for Chair of the Regional Council, …

What Kind Of Wine Goes With Peanut Butter Cups?

Whether you’re a mom, a dad or a fat guy buying loads of the stuff because you can get away with it this time of year without people looking at you sideways or asking a bunch of questions, chances are you’re going to be snacking on some Halloween candy in the not too distant future. …

No, This Isn’t A Scene From A Movie

Here’s a video describing the final exchange of fire between the ottawa shooter and the Sergeant-at-Arms. So I guess this is why there were pictures going around on Twitter saying “Don’t mess with the Sergeant-at-Arms.” Yeah I’ll say. Holy crap! He’s some kind of gun ninja! I feel sorry for the librarian…that must have been …

Everybody Get Your First-Aid Certifications

I saw this story detailing the efforts of people trying to save the fallen soldier at the war memorial, and it was very powerful, not only for the obvious reasons, that these people ran into danger to try to help. But it also drove home the point that everybody who was trying to help him …

Great Big Sea Did Not Write Run Runaway

If you live in Canada and listen to music at all, you probably know who Great Big Sea is. And even though it’s not one of their most popular songs, you’ve probably heard that cool Run Runaway song they do. Yeah. that one. Now what if I were to tell you that it isn’t actually …