This Band Is Pretty Good! I Wonder If They’re Turing!

I can’t remember if I’ve posted this before, and if I have, which is super possible since there’s so much stuff on here, oops. A long time ago when computers were huge and vacuum-tube-powered, Alan Turing, you know, *the* Alan Turing, figured out how to make them sing. The recording of it was put away, …

Lost In Translation

Gill is really firing out the posts this week! It’s kind of funny. I’ve been on both sides of this scenario. There’s my old post about people who don’t speak the language but say “yes” anyway. I had a more recent experience with that. I was in Nashville a few years ago for my awesome …

(Updated With Watch Links) Brad Is On Menu Match-Up!

Update: I don’t know whether somebody on AMI’s website team was a hide and seek champion in a previous life or what, but for reasons known only to them, all of the below episode links are broken. This is at least the second time this has happened. The first time I (Steve) was unimpressed, but …

Time To Patch Your Krap

Tricky as it might be to exploit, as far as internet security vulnerabilities go I’m not sure it gets much worse than Krack. Thankfully Carin and I are above buying shit like kettles and cookie jars and socks that require connectivity, so we’re probably good once we Windows Update the computers, upgrade the iPhones to …

Service Dog-Related Stuff

There are a couple of service dog-related things I wanted to write down. I have been meaning to for a while, but they keep getting lost. Sometimes, when I’m following someone, and we slow down, the person I’m following will start saying, “Come on puppy, come this way, come on!” Then they wonder why I …

I Don’t Read Books, I Devour Them!

Quick note: I’ve updated the section about Audible Canada. Between last Christmas and my birthday, Steve created a monster; a book-devouring monster. Here’s how. First, he bought me Aftershokz Bluez2S headphones. Those things, although not perfect, are pretty cool. I can walk around, still hear, and listen to stuff from my phone. This made me …

Could That Be Made Today?

Gill is back and wondering about television, specifically what shows from the old days would look like now if they could even get made. My pick for best show that may not get made today is Bizarre. It gave us Super Dave Osborne, was a platform for some excellent comedians who wound up being pretty …

Commenting By Email Is Back, Hopefully Better Than Ever

If you’ve been coming here a while, perhaps you remember Echo. It was a really slick commenting system we used for a time back in our Blogger days until the folks that ran it decided to screw a bunch of us the hell over. One of Echo’s best features was the ability to let you …

It’s All Fun And Games Until Someone Draws In Their Eye

When I heard about this woman and her eyeball tattoo gone wrong, all I could think of was this really old post. I guess this woman is really into body modification, i.e. adding and subtracting things from her body just for fun. She’s even had her tongue surgically split. Yeesh! So she thought tattooing the …