Get Ready To Be Spam Texted By Andrew Scheer

Last Updated on: 28th March 2019, 08:53 am

Considering that the Conservative goal often seems to be to set policy back to the era when all the phones had cranks on them, are we even sure that Andrew Scheer knows how to text? Conservatives plan to mass-text voters in four provinces to campaign against carbon tax

The Conservatives are using a new tactic to reach voters with an attack on the federal government’s carbon tax just days before it comes into effect.
The Official Opposition party is deploying the usual political outreach tools — ad buys and doorstep campaigning — but it’s also planning to send messages directly to voters’ phones in the four provinces where the federal carbon pricing policy is being introduced.
Starting Thursday, the Conservative Party will be mass-texting voters with a message from federal leader Andrew Scheer insisting the Trudeau government’s carbon tax has to go.

One of the planned texts reads: “Andrew Scheer here. Trudeau’s carbon tax will raise gas prices 5 cents on Monday, so fill your tank!”
The party is pulling phone numbers from its own database and using software that randomly generates phone numbers based on area codes. So even if you’ve never shared your phone number with the Conservative Party of Canada, you might get the texts.
It’s a “full-court press,” party spokesman Cory Hann told CBC News.
“It’s about using 21st century technology to help with voter outreach efforts.”

Technology that has been described by many in the party as “newfangled.” I can’t verify that, but come on, you know I’m right.

And please, voting public, I’m begging you. Don’t be foolish enough to fall for this messaging. I don’t even drive and I know that gas prices routinely jump by five cents or more on a regular basis just because that’s what gas prices do. The carbon tax isn’t going to make anything profoundly less affordable overnight. Prices may go up, but most of that money is going to be put into useful programs or given right back to us to offset the changes.

Speaking of which, remember to ask about your Climate action incentive when you file your taxes.

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