A Video Look At The 1950s Atomic Energy Lab Toy. Yes, the One With The Live Uranium In It

The old Atomic Energy Lab has come up once or twice here in a couple of posts that aren’t really worth my trouble to dig up. Basically if one of us ever linked out to somebody’s list of toys that weren’t a good idea, it’s most likely going to be on it. But what none …

Walking Around ON Spaghetti Legs

I don’t know what this guy’s situation was ( either broke and hungry or total asshole seem like good bets), but whatever it was, it maybe should have been obvious that stuffing a container of piping hot spaghetti down his pants wasn’t going to be the best way to improve it. https://www.facebook.com/339711689547929/videos/313878919498372/ The footage shows …

What Kind Of Justice System Threatens To Tape Shut The Mouth Of Someone So Articulate?

Meet Alan McCarty Jr., calm, levelheaded defendant. I don’t want to alarm you, but at the time this video was shot he was on trial for threatening a judge. I know. It seems impossible. Apparently all of this started over a child custody case, one that McCarty was a little confused about, if you can …

You Can’t Half Your Cake And Eat It Too

I give this woman, or perhaps just her giant testicles, bonus points for trying. Yeah, definitely just the nuts. The rest of her *is* nuts and gets no bonus points for thinking this would work. The suspect, who has not been identified, entered the bakery section of the store and proceeded to eat half of …

Come Visit Our Interactive What Not To Do Exhibit

This is so head slappingly stupid that you could be forgiven for thinking it couldn’t possibly be real. But it is real, because the world is sometimes a very dumb, garbage place. But I suppose in its own way this bout of ridiculousness is a fine example of why we need a human rights museum …

He Totally Blew His Stackhouse

I missed this story last year. While it’s an absolutely awful one, it checks too many of our boxes here for me not to mention it. It seems that Travis Stackhouse was given some cheesecake for Father’s Day. He had one piece, and then some of the damn kids got into it. This upset him, …