I Hope The Next BAD Thing About You Is Your Case Of Republican Lung

‘Vaxxed or not vaxxed you are all welcome’: Hundreds of Ontario businesses defy vaccine passport rules I just about lost my fucking mind reading this. Can we please bugger off with this “education-first approach” shit? These assholes don’t need education. They know exactly what they’re doing. And at this point, who in the actual hell …

With This Vaccine Passport, Which Receipt Do I Goddamn Need?

So I am a confused human. Somebody straighten me out. As of Wednesday, we have a Vaccine Passport system in Ontario. I was under the impression that for the first month, we only had to show our vaccine receipt that we got from the clinic and our health card. But there’s a chance that that’s …

You Miss 100% Of The Shots You Don’t Take

Parent seeks reimbursement for equipment after OMHA’s vaccine policy benches sons Fuck this guy. On second thought, no. Do not fuck this guy under any circumstances. Getting that close will probably get you COVID courtesy of him or his unvaccinated family. Seriously, how did this douche get a story on the news? He should be …

He Was In Bobcaygeon, Doing Computations…

I haven’t seen a lot of all the nephews over the past couple of years because pandemic, but I have been hearing stories about them, particularly the one I call the Sukie Jukie nephew. I swear, he’s a boy genius. First off, he could spell his name when he was two. He could also spell …

It’s A Pandemic, Charlie Brown!

Gill ran into an antivaxx or antimask protest group and thankfully the interaction sounded relatively mild, but it did make me think. I always worry about running into one of these packs of protesters when I’m walking around with Tansy. Maybe I’m weird, but even when I’m outside, I end up just keeping my mask …

Excuse Me. Have You Been Vaccinated? An Interesting Question, That

This is an interesting problem. You take a pretty courageous, world helping step by signing up to be part of a vaccine trial. You aren’t sure if you got the real candidate or a placebo and you won’t be finding out any time soon. The province you live in implements a proof of vaccination system. …

Necessary Voting In Unnecessary Elections

So we’re voting again. I’m not looking forward to dealing with this right now, but I don’t really have a choice so off we go. I thought I’d post what answers I could find about the process, and ask a few questions of my own. First of all, if you’re wondering if your vaccine status …

Looks Like I’m An NDP Voter Again

Not because of any idea they have in particular although they generally have some pretty good ones. My choice is based on a really, really bad idea the Liberals had. I will absolutely not be rewarding this kind of selfish, irresponsible behaviour with my vote in September. Saying that, by the way, makes me a …

It’s So Good To Finally Keep Doing What We Never Stopped Doing

ANOTHER DULL QUARANTINE WEEKEND AT HOME, TARGET, CHIPOTLE, HOME DEPOT, AND OUR NIECE’S GRADUATION PARTY This is one of those pieces that’s technically satire but is pretty much on the nose. All coronavirus long I’ve had to hear people bellyaching about how rough things have been, how little there is to do and how they …