Pick Of The Litter: A Fun Little Movie About Guide Dogs

I’ve been meaning to write about this movie, but I wanted to see it first. Now I have, so here I go. It’s a documentary about GDB, the school that trained Trix and Tansy, and it’s called Pick of the Litter. It’s the story of five guide dog puppies, and the process they move through …

The Donald Trump Insult Match Game!

Let’s play a game. Remember back in January which feels like years ago because everything that didn’t happen within the last five or ten minutes feels like years ago when Donald Trump called a bunch of countries shitholes? That, obviously, was not the first or last time he’s gone out of his way to insult …

Get To Know Your Friends…A Little Too Well

Let me try and explain the soundtrack. Years ago, my parents got their computers full of nasty viruses and malware, and they were receiving tons of spam. I was trying to figure out how things got so bad, and mom said that one day a pop-up came up asking her to click on the flying …

Would You Rather…?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CDs067081E We’re going to do this Gill thing a little differently today. She sent in a bunch of odd scenarios under the subject “Which would you rather?”, so I’m going to try to decide. Let’s see how this goes. Would you rather be eaten by a shark, or forced to watch the movie Jaws every …

Stay In And Play This Maclean’s Trivia Game Because It Beats Being Outside Where It’s Windy And Grey

I haven’t done one of these in a while, and when I do I like to post them so that everyone can play along and show how much smarter than me they are. So have at this Maclean’s quiz. Their resident genius, Peter Dyakowski, got himself a more than respectable 80% on the 30 questions. …

Can You Tell Your Lossless Audio Ass From A Low Bitrate Hole In The Ground?

I listen to a lot of music and at various points in my life have spent time in recording studios and on the radio, so I have at least a decent sense of the differences between quality and garbage audio. I’ve also read and heard a small but vocal number of people bitching about how …