Ottawa News Without Max Keeping?

Woe. Seeing that Max Keeping is about to retire is pretty freaky. Let me explain. I grew up near Ottawa, and he’s been the news anchor for Ottawa’s news for as long as I can remember, and apparently for longer than I’ve been alive. He is *the* news dude on the 6:00 news in Ottawa. …

Finally Some Honesty

I’ve ranted about this local TV vs. the cable companies business in various posts and comments, so I thought I’d share this short, helpful video made by the Writers Guild of Canada that explains the issues in slightly more detail. Like me, it doesn’t take a side, because like me, it realizes that both sides …

More Ads That Make Us Think Too Much

It’s been a while since we’ve written one of these. But we thought we’d compiled enough commercials or slogans to do another one. We saw a commercial for something called “Juicy Juice immunity.” Juicy juice? It’s juice. Shouldn’t it be juicy? If not, it wouldn’t be…juice, would it? I know it’s a product for kids, …

Another Fake Kidnapping

I just happened to be watching TV, and another fake kidnapping was served up. I guess this has been going on even longer than I thought. This one happened in 2004, and involved Audrey Seiler, who said she was kidnapped from her apartment and kept in the woods for days, given cold medicine, restrained with …