Hey Hey! Ho Ho! We Were Sent By The PMO!

I sure am glad that the Harper government doesn’t have anything pressing to deal with these days. It must be nice to have so much free time on your hands that you can organize an entirely fake protest at a press conference held by the leader of Canada’s third party. HuffPost has learned the PMO …

He May Be A Creep, But At Least He Was Going To Clean Up After Himself

Antone Owens had to know that his life of crime wasn’t going to last forever. Not just because almost no one’s does, but because when you’re a not so discreet B and E artist with an apparent online porn problem, it’s just a matter of time. In a case from March, a female resident said she …

Hello, 911? My Mug Shot Looks Terrible! Ok, We’ll Be Right Over To Help You Take Another One

“I look gorgeous in this mug shot” are words that to the best of my knowledge have likely never been spoken. Mug shots catch people at their worst, which makes them hard to like (for the subject, at least). But until I ran across the story of Tonya Ann Fowler just now, I had never …

Tag! You’re It Until Next Year!

This is one of the strangest and possibly neatest things I think I’ve ever read. Ten friends started a game of tag when they were in high school, which isn’t all that unusual. The unusual thing is that 23 years later, even though they all have families and jobs and don’t live anywhere near each …

It’s A Shame That Kooler Heads Couldn’t Have Prevailed

Sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe in. Sometimes somebody crosses a line with you in such a way that you might even have to fight for it. If you’re 22-year-old Brandon Antron Crosley of Cocoa, Florida, that line is drawn at the point where dad is obviously messing up the Kool-Aid …

Stolen Teeth And A Bottle Stabbing Over A Denied Soup Request. Just Another Day In Florida

If you asked me to make a list of things that make this blog writing stuff a whole lot easier, two items I’d put right near the top of it would be police blotters and the state of Florida. And when those two things come together, oh boy. ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON A man …

Changes AT GDB: My Thoughts

I haven’t written about this…frankly because I didn’t feel like I had enough brain cells left at the end of the day or the weekend to truly get my thoughts down. I still don’t feel very eloquent whenever I think about this, but I have to write something down. While I was in class, GDB, …

IOS Vs. Android. The Winner Is…Up To You

So you’re blind and you’re looking for a smartphone, but you can’t decide whether to go with an iPhone or one of the Android devices. Everybody and his brother seems to have an opinion on the subject, but it can be hard to tell what sorts of experiences if any some of those opinions are …

The Equal Access To Books For The Blind Petition Is Accessible Now, But You’d Better Hurry If You’d Like To Sign It

Some good news on the equal access to books for the blind petition courtesy of this week’s Top Tech Tidbits. The petition in support of the treaty on accessible books for people who are blind that is located on the White House website is finally accessible to people who are blind. Previously, it was paradoxically …