Dog First-Aid Course

Last Updated on: 24th March 2017, 07:09 pm

I figured I’d post this here to spread the word any way I can.

Remember back in that Trixie post where a dog came at us out of nowhere? That really scared the hell out of me. I thought about how isolated it is on that little stretch. I wondered what I would do if a dog ever laid its teeth into Trixie. Would I be able to stop the bleeding? What if something else happened? Would I be able to stabilize her until I could get her to a vet?

This led me on a quest for doggy first-aid classes. You wouldn’t believe how difficult this is! I called my vet, and they gave me a number for a company in B.C. I called them, and they offered some classes in Toronto, but nothing closer. Since their classes were 2-day classes, that would mean I would have to stay somewhere. I didn’t think that would work. I contacted them, and asked about what would be involved in scheduling a private class in Guelph if I could get enough people together, and when they found out I was bllind, they just about flipped their lid. They wanted me to attend one of their already existing classes and bring someone along to be my eyes. Uh, how about no?

I eventually found Corinna Bollmann’s site, where she offers the course at Doggie Minder, her doggy daycare in Pickering. I emailed her and started asking her about how easy it was to bus from guelph to Pickering, and explained why I wanted to take the course. To my surprise, she offered to come to Guelph! She said she’d never taught a blind person the doggy first-aid course, but she was willing to try stuff if I was willing to be a guinea pig. In fact, she was hoping to get a group of blinks together to all be guinea pigs for her. She wants a group of four students in the class. I thought sure, if I can get some people together.

It sounds like an interesting course. She even wants to explain what makes a good dogfood, and other doggy health tips that I think it would be great to know. It’s always good to learn about different things that aren’t always discussed by your vet.

So, if you’re interested and can come to Guelph on Saturday, May 10, please let me know. The course runs from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and the cost is $100. Shoot me an email if you want more details.

I’m really looking forward to this course. I hope I never have to use it, but it’s always good to have another tool in my belt.

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