Do I Have A Mind That’s Degrading? Or Maybe Degrading?

Here is another example of Carin’s mind is screwed up. I was watching TV when a commercial came on that got the exact wrong reaction from me. It said “Do you have boxes of videos and DVD’s that are degrading?” My first thought was “Whaaaat? Nooo! Why would I have those? Gross! And even if …

Chuuuuuuuck is Retiiiiiiiring!

If you don’t know what that title said, it was my best impression of my reaction to the news that Chuck is Retiring at the end of July. When I got the email that Chuck Farrugia, my field representative for Guide Dogs for the Blind was retiring after 33 years of amazing service to all …

Cicadas, Domino, and You

I don’t know if there’s a longer version of this song, this is the only one I can find, but it crawls into my head, heh, and won’t leave whenever I hear about the cicada double brood event happening in the US this summer. I guess two different cycles of cicadas are converging, and a …

Sleep Talkin’ 5. The Bit, I Believe, Is Still Alive!

In our last installment of let’s make fun of what Carin says in her sleep, I thought this little bit would be a thing of the past now that Santa had arrived. But apparently, it still has some life in it, although a little less. There’s one interesting pattern we have noticed: if there is …

I’m Here From The Stats Can, There’s Nothing To Fear?

Hi! It’s me, ya know, the completely absentee blogger? I don’t think I’ve written anything since…January? Gees! I have a metric boatload of things I want to say, but this one feels kind of timely and important. The other day, I was working away and my phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number but for …

This Should Be Funny, But I’m Crying

Because it’s still New Year’s Day, I thought I’d make fun of myself because there are certain Christmas comedy bits that no matter how many times I hear them, they still make me cry. Not laugh until I cry, just straight up cry. Here they are, in no particular order. First, there’s what would happen …