The Warbling Whore is Gone!

Last Updated on: 16th October 2019, 05:16 am

I can explain I can explain. I know at least one person besides Steve and I will know what I’m talking about. Have you ever fallen asleep with CTV on and been awakened with a horrible start by this horrible singing at 6 a.m. Something about…if the sun, doesn’t shine, to mo rooooo? I can’t synthesize the horror of that song when you’re sleeping. Sometimes, the same voice bellows something like, I’ll be way-ay-ay-aiting! I know the first time Steve and I heard that little number, Steve jumped up and shut off the TV. I woke up because he jumped up so fast and asked him what was wrong. He said something like, “I’m trying to shut off that warbling whore!” I think those obnoxious songs have something to do with War Amps, but I’m not sure. At any rate, she’s awful. I’d have to wonder if being shaken awake by the test pattern would be more pleasant.

But this morning, after falling asleep with the TV on, when it came time for her to sing, something else came on! Maybe, just maybe, she’s gone! Let’s hope! After that attrocity, even those Body Break things are a relief!

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