Last Updated on: 5th February 2018, 03:54 pm
Whenever I would go home to dialupville, I always drooled at my brother’s Blackberry. While I’m fighting with a computer that’s half dead and using dialup, he’s sitting there click clickedy clicking his way onto google with no trouble. I would drool and drool, but I knew that Blackberries werent’ accessible.
That isn’t true anymore, thanks to a partnership between Code Factory and Humanware. You go, guys, you all rock my socks off. They’re building, and are about to unveil, the Orator screen-reader for Blackberries. Yeah!
And it gets better. If you hurry hurry hurry, you may be able to win one of these suckas, all set up with their fancy shmancy Orator screen-reader! there are 4 up for grabs, so go go go!
If this contest wasn’t being run by Humanware, I’d be suspicious of it since there seem to be no rules, and after you register, it says you’ve been subscribed to a list. Weird. But it’s Humanware, so I’m 99.9 percent sure that there’s no trouble afoot.
So, if ya want a chance at a Blackberry that will talk, give the contest a try.