A Joke And A Song

Last Updated on: 20th September 2014, 05:57 pm

The blog’s been quiet today and that’s not about to change. We’re heading out soon for dinner, drinks, a concert and probably more food and drinks when that’s over. But before we leave, I’ll leave you all with this, stolen from Amanda’s Twitter.

*Q: Why are there so few Irish lawyers?
A: The majority of them can’t pass the bar!

Ahh, most excellent!

And here’s a bit of info on the show we’re going to just in case any of you happen to be around Guelph and feel like catching some live music.

Craig Cardiff, tonight at 8 PM at the Dublin Street United Church. Don’t worry, we haven’t suddenly gone all religious on you, quite a few events are held there. Tickets are $10 in advance (not sure if you can still get those anywhere) and $15 at the door. And just so you know what you’re getting yourself into, here’sDirty Old Town,my favourite of his songs.

Talk to you all soon. Enjoy game 3 if you’re watching it and who knows, maybe we’ll see some of you at the show tonight.

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