Deja Vu (But Worse)

If I’m being generous, I think I watched two minutes of the Trump Biden debate a couple weeks ago. I caught enough to know that Biden looked extra elderly and was probably sick with something and that Trump was still absolutely repulsive and completely full of shit. So I saw all I was ever going to see even if I had stuck around for the whole thing, in other words.

I felt bad for Biden at the time, and I still do. Everyone in the media is yelling and screaming that he needs to drop out of the race because he had a bad night and loses his train of thought sometimes, but nobody seems to be saying a damn thing about the rapist felon who helped stage a coup based on a lie and is completely unfit for office for so many other reasons beyond those being allowed to run in the first place? What a stupid country America can be. I’m ashamed of this entire spectacle, and I’m Canadian!

I was hoping that this songified Weird Al recap video would help me feel better about it, but it didn’t work. Somehow, I actually feel worse. Perhaps you guys will have better luck with it.

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