Last Updated on: 1st April 2013, 12:27 am
Ah the wonders of a day off. Tansy has been fed, watered and relieved which she did in the planter *oops* plus she’s been groomed. This morning a couple of the dogs had goopies on their eyes, probably just sleep crusties but weird that two dogs have them.
I’m just waiting for Trixie’s raisers to arrive. Mara the resident advisor knows I’ll be gone and will check on Tansy. Also she canceled my lunch because I likely will be stuffed. I wish I had recent Trixie pics but I don’t. The one good thing about Rose doing my laundry is I no longer have that job to do on Sunday.
Tansy jumped for her bone again this morning, then got confused when I told her no. She thought I was saying don’t play with her bone. No no have at your bone, just don’t jump for it. But the second time she passed her bone this morning she didn’t jump for it. She also didn’t jump on Mara either, which she was fond of doing. Yea? Progress?
She jumped on Adam yesterday. Like really? You had to jump on the class supervisor?
We’re thinking of getting Rose either a box of chocolates or some chocolate strawberries from somewhere that one classmate knows about. Now we’re thinking of something for the instructors. Plus I want to get Tansy’s raisers something, do a better job than I did last time.
Man this floor is filling up with some crazy teenagers. They were all fascinated with Tansy finding the elevator. They wondered if there was a guide dog conference on or something. Not quite.
I wonder if tomorrow we splat flee/tic stuff on our doggeroos. Tansy says “mmm…beef flavoured Heart Guard.”
So next week, we’ll hardly see the lounge since there’s so much customizing going on…just when the wifi gets fixed lol.
Who’s barking? somebody’s barking.
Man what a good day. Trixie’s raisers found my room so I didn’t have to find the front desk. They also got to see Tansy, who they thought was pretty similar in size to Trixie. We sat up in the lobby for a good hour and a half. She even brought her 11-month-old pup. What a doll.
Then we went out to this place called BJ’s…pardon me for being a bit disturbed by the name. I had a good lunch there, but I kept watching the clock since I knew Tansy was being watched by others. We got back too late for the T-Touch seminar thinggy but that’s ok. It’s not every day you get to see your past pup’s raisers.
After that I just talked to a couple of people and played around on my phone. It felt good to do that.
Dinner was the usual stuff and then some of us decided to hit the pool and hot tub. Man that was fun. I almost saw a dude drop his phone in the water. It wasn’t one of us. I would have laughed so hard.
Oh, and my patio door’s still not perfect. We had to get maintenance in again. Bleh.
You know all that stuff about Tansy not wanting to chew a bone while on tiedown? Well she likes a bone in her crate. And this morning she took her Kong to bed with her. Goofus.
I don’t know what else to say about today except that it was a much-needed rest.
Oh that sounds so nice! Pool and hot tub, I’m so jealous haha. Is this guide dog school or vacation? I know school is the farthest thing from vacation, trust me haha. I don’t think I would have coped with trying to learn a new dog and dealing with teenagers and elevators holy crap. I wonder why they moved from the first hotel to the Sheraton. So one week to go! Is graduation on Saturday?
We’re all a little confused about the move. Yup grad is Saturday.