
Here’s Gill with some thoughts on Remembrance Day and a word of thanks for a veteran in her family.

When people talk today a wide range of emotions will be brought to the surface. Some will be angry, others numb, others will show gratitude, and still others will reflect. I asked my own mother yesterday how today makes her feel, and she said simply gratitude.

At the end of World War 1 in 1918 Robert Budd Hewgill was a nine-year-old school boy in rural Ontario not thinking that in just over twenty years that he would be one of many to go off. I can’t be certain, because in the post war years he never talked of it, that he saw action. What I was able to gleam from my mom about my great-uncle is that he did his part in some kind of transportation section.

I am very much thankful for my great-uncle’s contribution, and know that I can write this editorial. So thank you so much uncle Budd for doing your small part to insure that we, and those yet to be will be able to continue the legacy of freedom and tranquility that you fought for.

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