Would You Like Community Service With That?

Barb sent this along, saying that it was a food feud sentence she could get behind. I agree. You obviously can’t do things like this in every case, but since no one appears to have been seriously hurt, this is as good a time as any to give it a go. Woman who threw hot …

The Black And White War

Gill has an interesting thought at the end here. So often we hear stories about family we’ve never met and never will. They’re almost always held up as salt of the earth human beings, maybe even heroes. But what kind of people were they, really? It sometimes feels like you’re not supposed to ask or …

Get Off My Lawn! Like Literally, Get Off The Lawn

Totally with Gill on this one. We have the same problem in our neighbourhood. We’re in very close proximity to a Walmart, plus there are several other grocery stores within reasonable walking distance. So because people are energetic enough to take a walk but too lazy to carry things and/or too cheap to buy their …