Yep, That’s A Ford Supporter

Last Updated on: 10th September 2020, 05:05 pm

At some point nearly every day, I am moved to ask myself how it is that any person who claims to care about another human being could vote for or support a guy like Doug Ford. It’s been over a year now and I’m still waiting for a good answer to that question. I’m starting to think that my answer isn’t coming though, because every time I hear from one of his supporters, it sounds a lot like this guy. Special treatment for taxpayers ended by Ford’s government

I do not think that I am the only one to have noticed that in every Cambridge Times that has come to our door recently there is a story from someone or comment from the editor complaining about the Ford government’s budget cuts or changes in the Province of Ontario.
But you never hear in the Times why there are these cuts and changes. How about $350 billion reasons.
That is the current debt that the Province of Ontario is carrying. That is three times the debt of the State of California, which has the population of all of Canada combined.

We are paying $1 billion a month to service the interest on that debt. That is $12 billion a year; that money could be going elsewhere for the people of Ontario. Yet we all hear the complainers about the cuts and changes that the children and the most vulnerable will be harmed, or that the education changes are a concern, like in Peter Emary’s recent letter to the editor.
For some reason it is all right to run a province or country with that kind of debt load? You would not run your household like that. If you did, you would find yourself and your loved ones on the street homeless. You don’t need a PhD to know that, just common sense.

Yes, the province has a debt. NO, that debt cannot go unmanaged forever. No, you cannot run your household as if it were a government. But your household also isn’t fully responsible for providing things like water and power and doctors and mobility and education to millions of households around it using infrastructure that it must ensure isn’t falling apart. Governments are, and those things cost money to do properly. Sometimes it’s money they don’t immediately have, so they have to borrow it. No, it’s not great that interest costs what it does, but it sure beats the alternative.

The only ones who are complaining are the ones who are responsible for that debt because they were catered to by the previous government and feel that they have a sense of entitlement and arrogance. That we all should pay more so that they can keep and have all that they want at the taxpayers’ expense. Not anymore. But I have a few suggestions on that one.
We do not have any children in the education system, so why am I paying an education tax? Mr. Emary, in his article, said he and his wife have three daughters, so shouldn’t they be paying three times more tax to put their children in school?
I will never take public transit or the LRT, so why should my regional tax dollars go to that? For those that think that they are entitled to more and special treatment, let them pay more.

Me, a person with a disability that does not allow him to own a car being able to use a bus or train as a means to move about and contribute to the economy, counts as special treatment? Ok. Good to know.

This seems like a fine time to ask my fellow human beings question again.

But if selfish is the name of the game, I’ll play.

Unless you’re going to die right now having never taken a bus, you don’t know that you’re never going to need one. Generally speaking, life goes on for a while, and a lot of unexpected things can happen as it does. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that if ever you couldn’t drive yourself, you could still count on someone else to do it for you?

And maybe you don’t have any kids in the schools right now, but your life is impacted by those schools every day. The guy who made your change at the store today is more than likely a product of our system. Wouldn’t it be nice if he knew how to count?

The I don’t use it now so I shouldn’t have to pay for it argument is completely ridiculous. If you doubt this, ask yourself how you would react to someone who said to you I’m not throwing up today, so I shouldn’t have to pay for healthcare. Unless you’re not in favour of having health coverage, that person just lost all credibility in your eyes.

The late prime minister of Britain, Margaret Thatcher, said, “Socialism is great until you run out of other people’s money.”
Not only are the taxpayers of Ontario out of money, they are out of patience with people who think that they are entitled to more and that others are expected to keep paying for them and stay silent.
That all stopped with a majority PC Ford government. For those that do not like it, move to China.
Sorry, I forgot, China does not like us because of Justin Trudeau and his government, even though Trudeau admires them. My bad.
John Neufeld

Aaaaaaand…we’re off the rails.

When your argument comes down to love it or leave it, you have no argument.

I sincerely hope you never need anyone’s help in this life, John. But if you do, I hope that those to whom you turn for that help are good enough not to treat you the way that you seem to think it’s ok to treat them. You would do well to look at all of the so-called waste you see around you as investments in our shared present and future, or if not that, as hands up for those who need them rather than hands out.

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