Til Booze And Furniture Do Us Part

Last Updated on: 31st October 2013, 03:59 pm

This might just be the best wedding story ever.

Scott McKie and Victoria Anderson were looking forward to a life of wedded bliss as they tied the knot. But an hour and a half – and a series of drunken assaults – later, divorce was looming fast.

The tale of what has been billed one of Britain’s least successful marriages ever ended with 23-year-old McKie being dragged from his own wedding reception by police, newspapers reported.

According to the reports, the happy marriage lasted for all of 90 minutes before Anderson, enraged at a drunken toast to the bridesmaids by her new husband at their reception, violently hit him over the head with an ashtray.

He responded by taking a hat-stand at the pub in a suburb of Manchester, northwest England, where the party was taking place, and hurling it towards the bar “like a javelin”, according to witnesses.

Police were called and McKie headbutted one officer and punched another before being dragged to the cells, at which point 40-year-old Anderson cancelled their honeymoon and began divorce proceedings.

The sorry tale was recounted at Manchester Crown Court, where McKie pleaded guilty to a series of charges including attempted wounding and assault, receiving a community service punishment.

McKie’s lawyer told the court that everyone involved had been “very, very drunk at the time”.

“They had only been together for two or three months before the wedding,” McKie’s father told the Daily Mirror newspaper.

“It was a big mistake.”

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