
Last Updated on: 28th December 2016, 03:38 pm

When I was a kid, and we would go on scavenger hunts, I never really cared about them. I mean, it was fun to run around with my buddies and watch them scoop up clues, but I really wasn’t helping out with the hunting down of stuff. I was just sort of along for the ride. But last week, I got to take part in an online scavenger hunt, and it was pretty fun!

The contest is called Twittereen, ya know, in honour of Halloween. Its aim is to get people to learn about some local businesses, follow them on Twitter, engage with them, and some random lucky winners will receive prizes like gift certificates to a bunch of the mentioned local businesses. But the prize I reeeally want is an iPod Touch. yes, yes, gimme gimme.

I have learned about a bunch of cool businesses, sadly a bunch of them aren’t in Guelph. One thing I want to do some time is end up at the Indulge Ice Cream caboose in Cambridge for either ice cream or some waffles. Mmmm. I would have never heard of what sounds like the most awesome place ever if it weren’t for Twittereen.

One thing I had driven home by this contest is why I don’t often go straight to a company’s website to learn a bunch about them. It’s hit and miss whether a website will be designed with accessibility in mind. Just as an example, one website’s homepage was completely composed of an inaccessible flash movie. Another blasted music louder than JAWS. Another had pictures containing some of the information.

But because I want that damn iPod Touch, I persevered and found everything I needed to. Now I wait to see if I get to be a lucky winner.

If you want to play too, here is a pdf of the rules, here’s the online entry form, and here are some pictures of prizes. This is what the good fellows at Spike Mobile said were the prizes available.

1st Place is an Extreme Makeover for your car from @WendellMotors , 2nd Place is an 8GB iPod Touch from @spike_mobile. The other prizes are various gift cards from @GibsonSV @Bookshelfnews @SevenShores @Subworx @Waffle_Stacks.

Isn’t that the coolest contest ever? Get involved in your community, learn about local businesses, and maybe just win something. Super neat! And it was a scavenger hunt I could play.

So, even though this is against my best interests since it decreases my chances of getting the iPod Touch, go play Twittereen. You have until 12:05 Saturday morning to track down all the clues. Happy hunting!

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