So yeah. That stuff I said yesterday about heading outside to watch the Jays not get swept? It didn’t happen. The outside part happened and it was nice, but the fuckin’ Jays lost again. Worse yet, they lost a game they had won. That’s baseball though, I suppose. I guess it’s all sports really. the same thing that makes them so much fun is the same thing that blows goats when it doesn’t go your way.
But anyway, I wrote that so that I could awkwardly transition into posting this classic Lee Elia meltdown, which apparently turns 30 years old today.
I didn’t just post that because he says fuck a lot and insults pretty much everybody though that would be a good enough reason, I think. I actually put it up because there are things he’s saying here about the 1983 Cubs that fans of the 2013 Blue Jays need to hear. Specifically, the ones who are calling, in fucking April I might add, for managers, general managers, bench coaches, pitching coaches, hitting coaches and probably that one popcorn vendor in the 500 level who always looks at you sideways to be fired because the team sucks so hard.
I don’t have any stats in front of me to back this up, but I don’t need them. I’ve watched enough baseball in my life to know that one thing is true. Good teams have bad starts. it happens all the time. If memory serves I think some of the best Jays teams in history had awful stretches. Also true is that bad teams are good sometimes. It’s a long season. Things happen that aren’t “supposed to.” If everything worked out like it was supposed to on paper or based on what the various hype machines tell us, things wouldn’t be interesting. Bad teams don’t lose every game, and good teams don’t win all the time.
Do the Blue Jays suck right now? Pretty much, yes. But like our friend Lee Elia says, there’s talent here. They’re trying. When it flows, it will flow. and yes Jays fans, it will flow. How much and how far I don’t know, but it will. But right now, it’s April. It’s not time to panic. If you want to talk to me about panicking, give me a call when June hits. By then we’ll have a better idea of just how salvageable things may or may not be.
Like you said, it’s April. And like I’ve said a time or 6, it almost doesn’t matter who the Jays put on the field when the season starts. April has historically stunk if you’re a Jays fan. Like you I don’t have stats to back this up, but I’ve watched enough baseball to know. April, they stink it to high heavens. Come about June or July, if they’re gonna get good, that’s when they’re gonna do it. I was kind of hoping we’d be a little bit closer to .500, but considering pretty much this entire team has almost never played together save for spring training, and a few parts of that team even missed spring training, I’m happy with 9-17. Will I stay that way? Probably not if we’re holding similar numbers in August.