Quite the day we’re having here. First it was hundred bags of drugs in his out door guy, and now, meet loaded .22-caliber revolver in the vagina lady, AKA Christie Dawn Harris.
While being transported to jail, Harris “stated several times that she needed to go to the bathroom.”
At the lockup, Harris was directed to change out of her clothes into “jail clothing.” When directed to lower her underwear so that a female cop could check for contraband, Harris “advised that she was on her period and did not want to.”
Harris eventually complied with the cop’s order. “I observed at that time a wooden and metal item sticking out from her vagina area,” reported Officer Kathy Unbewust, who added that she “pulled the item from her vagina, and found it to be a 5 shot revolver with rounds in the chamber.”
Police also found an unspecified number of bags of meth in her butt crack, leaving open the idea that her vagina was acting as some sort of security guard.
She faces weapon and narcotics possession charges, both felonies.