In Memory Of Grandma

Gill has a few words about her grandmother on the anniversary of her death.

Doris Mildred Jean MacMurchy-Hewgill Aug. 31 1923-June 22 2003.


In Asian cultures the grandparents are placed in high regard, but here in the west elders are often pushed aside in favor of more modern thinking. If we just took a moment to remind ourselves of the impact a grandparent can have on our lives, we would be more willing to recognize the wisdom of a life.

Who Was She?

My grandmother was born August 31 of 1923 in Hagersville, a town around half an hour away from where I live now. She was the second of three daughters. I am not overly certain when they left that area and moved to near where I grew up, but my great-aunt Mae was born in 1936 at the Collingwood Maternity hospital.

Something Rare

After the stock market crash of 1929, most children rarely went very far in high school. My grandmother had roughly an 11th grade education. When I spent a Sunday afternoon with her she showed me her high school tribute book and told me her favorite subjects were Latin and literature.

Helping Hand

When I would go to her home she was almost always doing something, whether it was knitting socks or hats for less fortunate children or cooking or baking one of her famous delights. This generosity stretched back to when her family practically raised one of their neighbors. In the early 1980’s she was a member of SEARC {Southeast Asian Relocation Committee”} helping people restore lives and hope in a new land.

A Little Faith

Sadly in her last years she had several rounds of cancer. I never heard her complain. She was also very private, only allowing family, some very close friends, and above all her pastor. I admired and respected the fact that she kept herself grounded in something much more powerful than the cancer.

Final Thoughts

Today marks 15 years since she’s been gone, and in all I try to do and accomplish I keep a special spot in my heart for her. She would be very happy to know that I have accepted Jesus, and am putting my heart in to church things. She would be proud of my sister Heather for accomplishing so much.

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