Last Updated on: 18th August 2022, 01:24 pm
Looks like Gill has joined the Covid club. Hopefully it’s not too hard on her.
On Saturday I got a bit of a headache, but didn’t think much of it because it was hotter than Satan’s shoes after gym class.
Yesterday I went for a walk and seemed ok, but felt like maybe I was dealing with late season allergies.
Last night I barely slept, and when I woke this morning I felt like I had done a six hour workout. Walking today pretty much took every last bit of strength out of me. My appetite’s pretty much non-existent, too.
Thinking Positive
I have PSWs to help me with things such as cooking and other stuff that might be visual. Today I asked them to bring me a test and a thermometer. I picked my nose with the birthday candle thing, waited, and sadly, I’ve got covid.
Letting People Know
I set about telling my parents, church elders, and other friends. I also talked to the medication delivery people, and distancing will be observed.
Please pray for me. God bless you. Talk soon.
Day 1
Well, hey there friends, how are you? Better than me. I woke up this morning feeling like I’d been hit by someone’s half ton truck, and have been napping on and off all day.
Boredom Cure
Between naps and water drinks, I’ve watched some history videos. I highly recommend Reading the Past. It is presented by a British history professor, and it mainly focuses on medieval history and the people both better and lesser known who shaped it.
I also recommend History Tea Time where the presenter talks about all manor of historical topics, from American first ladies to the history of names.
Day 2
Hi again,
You’ll probably be sick of me soon, but I will be that guest who just won’t leave. How are you out there in Readerland?
I woke up this morning feeling like someone had decided to jam a razor down my throat, and like I’d gone on an overnight flight sans sleep, even though I did get a few hours.
Uh-oh. Sounds like she might be losing her sense of taste. No, that’s not a commentary on the quality of Swiss Chalet. Thankfully the smell and taste loss didn’t happen to Carin or I during our go rounds with Covid.
Day 3 I’d Like Some Fries With That Salt Please
Last night, mostly as an experiment, I ordered from Swiss Chalet, a place famous for rotisserie chicken. Normally they don’t let me down, but this time all I could taste on both chicken and fries was salt. This rather upset me.
Day 4 A Classic Earworm
Yesterday I got a PCR test. This one required me to put the birthday candle in both my mouth and nose. It’s probably on its way to public health now, but that’s not all that’s going on.
Two songs are running my head. “Hurry Up Harry” by Sham 69, a late 1970s punk classic, and that Tom Petty classic “The Waiting Is The Hardest Part”
How Am I feeling Today?
Though I do sound a bit like a dude, I am feeling stronger, and have sort of convinced myself I should get dressed in something other than what I call jim-jams (pajamas).
Day 4 Part 2 Fresh Air
This afternoon, now dressed and made at least semi-presentable, I went for a walk. There is a pretty little tree-lined street just a short walk from my building and I wanted to see how long I could walk for. The temperature was about 26 degrees (79 fahrenheit). There was a nice breeze and no humidity. It felt nice to have non-apartment air and sun on my face.
Day 5 Staying Positive
This morning with the help of one of my PSWs I got the results of my PCR test. I still have the virus, cue losing music from The Price Is Right.
You’re So Negative
The moment I had been waiting almost two weeks for arrived this morning around twenty minutes after ten. One of my PSWs gave me a rapid test, we waited the time it took for it to marinate, and then she said, “you’ll be double happy. The test is negative.”
I, a rhythmically challenged individual started doing my happy dance and singing, “No more covid! No more Covid! Whew!”
Thank You
Thank you to all of you readers out there for your support and prayers, I am forever grateful. Have a wonderful and blessed day.
Good-bye Quarantine!
I got a call from my city’s public health department a couple of hours ago. If you remember, my symptoms began on Saturday the 6th. They declared me liberated from quarantine as of midnight last night. Whew!
Thank You Note
To all the folks working on the front lines, creating the vaccines, and encouraging folks to get them, thank you.
I now have that Kirk Franklin song 1 2 3 Victory in my head.