I Swear I’d Lose My Head If I Accidentally Detached It And Dumped It In The River

Police seeking help identifying ‘intentionally dismembered’ human remains found at Cherry Beach If you can help the authorities out with this please do, but what I need is more information on all of the human remains that end up hacked apart, wrapped in plastic bags and floating in the harbour by accident. I assume there …

Christmas Music And Grammar. Two Of Everyone’s Favourite Things, Together AT Last

I’ll confess. Until I listened to this, I had given exactly no seconds of thought to God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen’s proper comma placement. In fact I’ve seen it written so many times without one that I wasn’t even sure one was necessary. But I also see a lot of “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen”, …

A New Reaction To Chain Reaction

For a little while there, the Game Show Network had episodes of Chain Reaction on after 5. I don’t know what it is about that show, but it’s addictive. You can get sucked in so easily. I had to laugh at my scathing review of Chain Reaction from 13 years ago. I really had a …

I Beleev He’s Right. Our Spellings Are Grotesk

26 of Noah Webster’s Spelling Changes That Didn’t Catch On Not sure why most of these didn’t stick, honestly. They make much more sense than what we have, with the added bonus that every person who ever told akid to “just sound it out” doesn’t wind up coming off like a friggin idiot. Why does …

It’s Your Name. The Phone Says So

I just used the voice dictation on my iPhone to send a text. In that text, I used the word “dipshit”. Dictation got it correct, but it capitalized it. I wasn’t sure if that was a one off, so I sent another text and used it again. Again, it put a capital D on it. …

Use Your Words. And Use Them Properly, While You’re AT It

38 Word Usage Mistakes Even Smart People Make This is a handy list, and I can see myself referring to it often since there are a few on it that I have to frequently remind myself how to get right (whose vs. who’s trips me up more than I’d like and I don’t know why). …

Will You Kids Stop Sports Entertaining UP There! I Don’t Need You Ending UP In A Local Medical Facility!

Wrestling and wrestler no longer considered ‘dirty words’ in WWE Good god in heaven do I ever hope this is true. WWE does a million stupid things, but the ridiculous attempts to get rid of words like wrestling and wrestler will always be near the top of my list no matter what else ever happens. …


Why is my iPhone suddenly obsessed with getting me to mute notifications, especially ones from apps and conversations I tend to look at more than not? And why does hitting the “not now” button cause nothing to happen? Oh, and when I say obsessed, I’m not joking. The damn thing literally just tried to get …