Let’s Talk Wrestling

Throughout my life, I’ve watched literally hundreds, no, probably thousands of hours of wrestling and there’s always been one thing that annoys the hell out of me, just because it’s completely stupid. Picture this situation. It’s the night of the PPV and you’re sitting there, waiting to see all of the big matches, the culminations …


Seriously, somebody actually took the time to punch all of this into a search engine. As usual, this comes straight from our hit counter. 31 Mar, Wed, 14:16:26Yahoo:established a cruiserweight division, it is a unit within itself and I think the WWE has treated it fairly well. The RAW counterpart is of course the WomenÂ’sdivision, …

VC’s WrestleMania Table For Two

Well good Saturday night to you all. Me and Steve figured that with WrestleMania tomorrow night we’d throw up a predictions roundtable. We also realized that with only two people, it would be more of a table for two than a roundtable so we’ll go with that for a title. We’re both just gonna give …

Salty Ham’s Wrestlemania Roundtable

This is just a quick note to let you all know that theSalty Ham Wrestlemania Roundtableis now up on the site. You can click that link there and see how bad some of our predictions are. This one’s really cool too, the monthly reader is Scotsman, if you don’t know who that is then shame …

Oh My God But This Is Funny!

If you’re a fan of wrestling, laughing, or both then you have to click this link, no excuses. It seems that in the 1980’s somebody got the brilliant idea of making a porno movie based around wrestling. And now, the folks over atWrestle Craphave done an absolutely hilarious write-up on it. Make sure you’ve got …