Last Updated on: 9th November 2013, 09:49 am
There’s nothing overly important in this post, I’m just testing the site to see if I’ve worked out the technical problems that I’m having. The people at Blogger made some changes to their publishing interface about a week ago and since then I’ve been having a lot of problems getting things to work properly, which is my excuse for my lack of posting in the last few days. Well that and the flu that our good friend Carin gave me, but that seems to be clearing up for the most part now.
For those of you wondering where Sunday Night Fever is this week, it’s coming, I’m just not sure when. I’m still feeling kind of funny and I’m not sure if I’ve got the energy to recap right now. But even if this week’s shows get posted before last week’s do, rest assured that every unimportant B show match will be recapped and reviewed and given the respect and attention that it truly deserves.
By the way, if somebody could either leave a comment or shoot me an email and let me know if this post looks normal or funny or just how it looks in general I’d appreciate it. Hopefully this works and I can post the new weird search terms that I wrote up a couple of days ago. Only time will tell I suppose.