Goldust Tells The Story Of Getting Tourette’s

Hey there, wrestling fans. Remember that time when Goldust got electrocuted and wound up having Tourette’s for a while? No? Good for you.

This was back in 2003, a couple years into the period where it had become abundantly clear that WWE had no competition left but desperately needed some.

If you’ve never seen one of these and are wondering how and why in the hell it made TV, don’t feel bad. We were doing the same thing at the time.

The answer to that question, you probably won’t be surprised to learn, is what the answer to that question pretty much always is. Vince McMahon is a weird dude. He heard that Dustin was doing it to make people laugh on the road and decided that’s good shit, pal!

Here’s Dustin Rhodes hilariously telling the whole story, minus the part about how and why it got dropped. I don’t remember the particulars, but I think it has the standard Vince era WWE answer as well. They just dropped it one day.

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