My Latest Freaky Trixie Dream

I had a really freaky dream last night so figured I’d write it down. I dreamed I came into a store with Trixie, and someone else’s service dog attacked Trix. In the confusion, nobody could figure out which dog was the aggressor, and both of us were saying it wasn’t our dog. So, for some …

“My Sister’s Keeper” Is A Keeper

A little while ago, my mom told me I should read “My Sister’s Keeper” by Jodi Picoult. The next day, what do I see but that very book. I figured it was a sign and read it…and it definitely was a good book. Remember back when I wrote about saviour siblings? This book is all …

The Disservice Chihuahua Case Is Dismissed

I saw this story, and, at the time, just went “ug!” I didn’t have the energy to post it, who knows why. Well, I’m going to now. Alex Allarie is the kind of person who makes me sick. He claims his chihuahua is a service animal, but he apparently let it sniff around food on …

Can They Train A Dog To Help People With Conscience Damage?

This just makes me angry. I saw this a couple of days ago, but I was either running out the door or too tired to try and post about it. This whole thing started when a Hamilton woman wanted to find a trainer to train her family dog to perform some kind of tasks for …

So Long, Ed Eames. I Never Knew You, But Thank You

The other day, I heard that Ed Eames wasn’t doing well and was probably not going to make it. Now, I’ve heard the news that he’s gone, and I feel like such an idiot for not knowing exactly who he was. I had seen the name in connection with guide dog-related advocacy projects, and knew …

Some Thought Dribbles

Here are a few things I’ve been thinking about. I thought about putting some of them in my last monster thoughts post, but it was starting to take on a life of its own, so I figured I’d best save them for another time. My friend told me a story about something they saw while …

My First disservice Dog Encounter

I met my first disservice dog in person yesterday, you know, somebody’s dog who they’re saying is a service dog, but it’s obvious that the dog sstill needs some serious tweaks in training. I went to a public meeting about that roundabout they want to build in the middle of town, and in walked a …