The Man Behind Me Is A Crazy Pitchman

When Carin and I wrote the lateststupid commercials postyesterday, there was mention of about six billion spoofs of the Everest College ads. Just for fun, here’s the good one. It’s about 4 and a half minutes long, but stay with it, it’s pretty funny all the way through. Besides, what else do you have to …

Maybe It Wouldn’t Be Free Speech If He Asked Them To Check Out His Tickle Trunk

Remember Charles the Tickle Monster Douglas? Well apparently a judge has ruled that his requests to tickle kids are protected under free speech. I still wouldn’t recommend he continue, or at least I’d recommend he stop asking the strangers for permission to do the tickle monster routine on their kids. I’d Stick to kids I …

Don’t Throw Your Junk In My Backyard, My Backyard’s Full…And So Is The space Under The Julia Tuttle Causeway

I understand the need to restrict where sex-offenders live, but is it justifiable to force them to live under a bridge in conditions not even suitable for animals? Sure, they have to pay for what they’ve done, but isn’t this a little much?