Since I put up that Eye of the Tiger post this morning, I haven’t been able to get the Weird Al version out of my head. Soooooo…“Weird Al” Yankovic- Rye or the Kaiser
It’s from 1984 and is all about the second career Rocky Balboa went into after the boxing thing dried up. It did dry up eventually, didn’t it? I’m not sure how well it’s remembered since it came from the same album as Eat It and everything else kind of got overshadowed when that song took off, but I still think it’s pretty good.
still can’t believe I thought it said “goes in the back and beats off on the liver wurst.” Yes I have issues. I also didn’t hear that song until I was much much older…otherwise…I would really have issues, and child psychologists would have questions.
Hahaha. I remembered that after I put up the post. Should’ve maybe gone back and edited something in. You outing yourself is much more fun though.