United Breaks Pilots

Ok, so this broken seems to have been caused by life and the world in general, but this tag has a theme, in case you haven’t noticed.

An unidentified United Airlines pilot caused a two hour delay and perhaps more than one bowel evacuation when she boarded a flight, grabbed the microphone and started chatting to the passengers about politics, the state of her personal life and whatever else came to mind.

The pilot, who was not identified, reportedly boarded the plane in everyday clothes, not in her official uniform, Reuters reports.
“She shows up dressed like a civilian and asks to us to take a vote to see whether she should change into her uniform or fly as is,” Pam O’Neal said, according to Reuters. O’Neal was a passenger on the United Flight 455 that was headed to Austin, TX from San Francisco International Airport.
The pilot then used the plane’s intercom to call both President Trump and Hillary Clinton “a—holes,” according to O’Neal.
“She started off by saying that she had not voted for either Trump or Clinton because they’re a bunch of liars… It just really sort of went downhill from there and didn’t make a lot of sense to any of us,” O’Neal said.
The pilot reportedly announced she was going through a divorce, and commented on an interracial couple in the first-class section, saying “yay unity.”

She was soon removed from the plane and a new pilot was found, hence the delay.

United made a canned statement about holding employees to a high standard, but offered no clues as to what may have caused her to act that way. Stress seems like an obvious place to start, but beyond that we might never know.

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