Glow In The Woods

Last Updated on: 3rd February 2022, 09:43 pm

I think this is a really nice idea, so I thought I’d spread the word. But before I can even spread the word about the cool thing, I have to explain how I found it.

A couple of years ago, we stumbled across Thordora’s blog. She has a blogroll that’s a mile long, and around this time last year, she drew her readers’ attention to Sweet Salty. Why? Because the author, Kate, was having twins, but wway, way, way premature, and she wanted people to lend support to her. I started reading, and I loved her writing. In fact, I read everything on that blog back to its first posts because I loved her writing so much. It’s not every author who has the ability to make you laugh, cry, laugh when you should cry, be so completely honest about things a lot of people don’t want to discuss, much less put down in black and white, and make a point so clear it wacks you over the head.

To make a long story short, one of her twins didn’t make it, and she’s been dealing with that loss, as well as still going on with life and raising her two kids that she does have. She, and five other women who have lost babies, have decided to come together and make a support site for all the mothers who are going through it, so they don’t have to feel so alone. It’s called Glow In The Woods.

I think that is truly awesome. I’m sure they will help countless people going through the grieving process, lots of whom they will never know they’ve helped. I remember mom talking about when I was a baby, and how when she found out I was going to be blind, it was like going through the grieving process, even though I wasn’t dead. If there was something like this site out there for her, if the internet existed back then, I’m sure it would have helped. Eventually, she found supports in other parents of blind kids, but it was a slow process, built contact by contact.

So, there it is. If you’re interested, drop by and say hello. She, and the others there, would be glad to see you.

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