Last Updated on: 21st October 2013, 09:03 am
At Rosewood Middle School in Raleigh, instead of selling chocolates or flowers to raise money, they’re selling grades. If you give them $20, you get 20 test points, split between 2 tests of your choosing. That means if there’s one test you failed, you can raise the grade to a pass. Or if you bombed one, you can just raise it to closer to passing. The principal insists this won’t affect their general grade…much.
This is so bad on so many levels. I know they’re desperate for money, but isn’t this teaching kids that they can just bribe the teacher to get a better grade? Shouldn’t kids at least think that you can only get the grades you get by earning them?
As a kid, I know I’d be pretty upset about this event. I worked my butt off all year, and to see people buying a higher grade on a test would make me mad mad mad.