Let Elizabeth May Speak

Last Updated on: 28th October 2016, 09:16 am

Yeah, remember what I said about being done with elections? Not so much. I forgot about this.

Steve has yelled about Elizabeth May being excluded from the debates before. Funny how that wasn’t even 3 goddamn years ago. Anyway, that time, she got in. This time, she was not invited once again, and when she went to court to fight it, a judge ruled there wasn’t time to hear the case properly. What’s up with that? Anyway, she has been excluded.

Now, there is a petition demanding that she be allowed to be involved in the debate.

I put this down for two reasons. I think it’s a petition worth signing, and I have nice things to say about John Lawson, the Guelph Green Party candidate.

I will say that as of this moment, if you’re blind, the petition is impossible to sign without some CAPTCHA-solving thing. I tried to use the audio link, but I got no audio. I also bounced around the screen pretty hardcore when using IE. Getting bounced around the screen while trying to fill in fields on a form is reeeeally annoying. Imagine you’re writing on a paper, and someone grabs your arm and yanks it around the page. But with Firefox and WebVisum, I got the job done…or at least I think it got done. I saw a heading that says “Thank you for your support!” but it was right next to a donate heading. So, I couldn’t be sure if that was something thanking the user in advance for considering donating, or whether I signed. But there were oodles of share buttons that I hadn’t seen before, so I think that’s a pretty good indication that I’m on the petition.

But here’s the nice things to say about John Lawson part. I tweeted at him telling him I was having some pretty significant difficulties signing this petition, and he passed me on to someone else who might be able to help fix things for all of us. How cool is that? Taking accessibility seriously is something I like to see in the people I vote for. It means that if they get elected, I can hope that if I have a disability-related concern, they just might listen, unlike some of the bigger guys.

So, blind folks, they’re hopefully working on this for us. But I still wanted to put up a link because more than blind folks read this blog. So if you feel the same way I do, you know what to do. And if you’re blind and can’t sign the petition but want to, give me a yell and I’ll give you the person to email. I just don’t want to put his email address up here and subject it to spam.

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