Those 12 Steps Will come In Handy, Since He May Soon Be Walking Everywhere

Last Updated on: 29th December 2012, 07:57 pm

If only Donald Blood III had humbly asked his greater power to remove his shortcomings, perhaps none of this would be happening. To be specific, the shortcoming that prevents him from being able to distinguish a paved parking lot from a grass-filled lawn. That one’s causing all kinds of problems for him right now.

And if he ever gets into the frame of mind to make a list of people he has harmed and make amends with them, perhaps the folks at Wilson House, the home of Alcoholics Anonymous founder Bill Wilson, should be near the top. It was, after all, their lawn he drove onto while engaging in activities that run contrary to the spirit of the place.

I suspect if he were to contact them, they would suggest that he take things one day at a time. One of those days would be his DUI court date, the one he got after he tried to park on their lawn.

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      1. Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, glorious Boxing Day even though I don’t think you guys have that there, and a grand old anything else I might have missed. Like Carin, I also hope all’s well with you.

  1. Had two good online friends visiting from Southern California. We had a great time. Saw Les Miserablea, ran around, ate out 4 times and I cooked breakfast (scrambled eggs, grits, English muffins) and dinner (catifsh, fries/chips, and hushpuppies) for them yesterday. Sat around and listened to our arteries harden but it was worth it.

  2. Ray’s better than he was earlier in the year but still pretty much housebound. Rebecca turned 17 on Halloween; Rochelle will be 18 on January 5 and Elcie will be 20 on March 9. All tower over me. Rebecca & Elcie are struggling a little with this and that. Rochelle has always been more serene and puts all her energy into cross country running for her high school. She’s quite good. She and Rebecca will graduate in June. Hard to believe, isn’t it

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