Last Updated on: 26th September 2022, 09:37 am
Gill has another health update.
I haven’t had this experience firsthand, but I have watched someone close to me go through the you’re not in the book runaround and that’s plenty frustrating enough.
As always, best of luck with everything. Hang in there.
Here’s the latest frustrating detail on my health.
Yesterday I phoned my specialist to see when I would get my next CT scan, and found out much to my consternation that I am not even on the waiting list. Not only that, but they had not bothered to send the paperwork.
This morning I was woken up to my regular physician’s office calling to let me know that my appointment was canceled. I called and sat on the phone for the better part of twenty minutes only to also find out that there were no appointments available.
Symptoms Update
As I mentioned in an article last fall, I’ve been losing weight. Last summer size 12 was slightly, but not droopy drawers baggy on me, size 10 was comfortable. I’m well aware that women have killed for this, but I am not one of them. This last trip to my folks my mom and I went in to this neighborhood boutique, and size 10’s now borderline droopy drawers and 8 is comfortable. Mind you I had not been size 8 since 11th grade, and that was 25 years ago.
My appetite has reduced a bit. No longer am I able to eat a super-sized portion, or even a larger than medium with out feeling like I’ll burst.
As for the pain, it comes and it goes. The day before my last visit to my folks I felt like someone had taken a Louisville Slugger to my left kidney region, and had nursed the whole concept of going to the hospital. I killed that notion, as I didn’t want hospital exhaustion when my sister and I were hanging out. So I did what has seemed to work, I called a church elder, we prayed, I drank some tea, and went to bed early.
That’s all for now, but thank all of you for your prayers and thoughts. God bless all of you.
Just received this, which sounds much more positive in a things moving somewhere sense.
Well, things have changed in 48 hours. The doc phoned yesterday, and said he had some time to talk over the phone this morning. I brought up my symptoms, and well, there’s a chance I may be going in a different direction. He has agreed to get a fire lit under the specialist, but because of the pain and weight loss a consult with a general surgeon is also in the works.
Update 2:
Here’s an update on the health front.
Bad News
The reason for the delay in getting my CT paperwork going is the clinic switched from paper to digital at the start of this month. Somehow my paperwork got lost in the shuffle.
Good News
My blood and urine tests came back normal. They are fast tracking my CT scan because of the pain and weight loss. I will be receiving a phone call next week.
Thank you all for praying for me. Thank you also to Carin and Steve for putting up with my freak outs.
I’ve got it! This Friday after much waiting and frustration I will finally have my long awaited CT scan. It’s at nine-thirty, so I have to get up early, but it will be worth it.
Hey Again!
Well today I had my CT scan to look at the cyst on my adrenal gland. What they typically do is put an intravenous in your arm, bring you in to a dark room, lay you on a table. Then the techs take pictures with out contrast dye. When you are on that long narrow table you’ll feel like your at the car wash because they pull you in to a smaller darker room. When and if they need to put the contrast in they will put it right in your IV. Luckily today they saw what they needed to see, so no contrast was required.
Thank You
Shout out to the staff at the diagnostic imaging center at the Hamilton General Hospital, the care I received was second to none. Thank you to a good friend of my mom’s for being close enough to be of moral support.
On The Cyst Front
Great news, the cyst on my adrenal gland is benign. Bad news, yours truly’s not the brightest stoplight on the block and forgot to ask why the pain and if it was growing.
Here’s Another Short Update.
My endocrinologist’s office called about an hour or so ago, and I have an appointment for Wednesday September 14. So guess whose questions will be answered?
Hi readers! I hope all is well with you. Here’s a little news break on me. I saw my endocrinologist today, and the cyst has not grown or shrank. As for the pain, it’s more abdominal than adrenal. I also found out that a chest X-ray’s to be ordered as a small collection of fluid is on my right lung. Suspect no. 1 for that is covid. That’s all for now.
Doctors would rather have a field full of horses when they listen for the familiar hoof beats. Zebras, though interesting, leave even the most seasoned medical professional curious.
Last night around six I got this excruciating pain all throughout my stomach. Mind you, many tests I have taken have come back clear. I ended up calling an ambulance around ten last night, and went to the hospital again.
Clear Tests
I spent the better part of four hours waiting on a physician only to have them tell me to return in the morning to get an ultrasound. So that’s what I did. Unfortunately I had to spend a majority of my Sunday in uncomfortable chairs waiting for what turned out to be clear ultrasound results.
Shout Out
Thank you to the paramedics, nurses, and doctors, not only for putting up with the likes of me, but doing what you do.