Last Updated on: 23rd June 2014, 01:22 pm
Angelique R. Vandeberg could find herself with a lot of time to sit in the corner and think about what she’s done.
The 28-year-old woman is facing up to 3 years in prison for allegedly
shooting her 8-year-old daughter in the leg with a BB gun to win a $1 bet she had made with her boyfriend while the 2 of them were drinking heavily.
Police began looking into the incident Wednesday after a school counselor reported it to police. The girl was shot three or four days earlier, but a circular bruise with a white-colored point in the middle remained visible on her thigh, the counselor said.
The girl said the shooting occurred in her mother’s bedroom, where Vandeberg was with her boyfriend after she had consumed 10 to 12 beers.
The boyfriend bet Vandeberg $1 she wouldn’t shoot the child, then handed her the BB pistol. Vandeberg took it and shot the girl. The bullet, which did not break the skin, bounced off her leg and struck her 7-year-old brother, who was not injured.
The boyfriend then grabbed the gun, ran out of the house and drove away. Vandeberg told her daughter not to say anything, advising that the incident was a “family thing” and the mother would go to jail if the girl told.
For her part, Vandeberg says her daughter is making up the story to try to get her in trouble, but for what we do not know. she says that the injury is actually 3 weeks, not 3 days old and that it was the result of a fall from a bike.
I’ve known some smart 8-year-olds in my time [hell, I’d like to think I was one] but this seems way too logical a story for one of them to not only come up with, but stick to. The involvement of social workers prior to this incident wouldn’t appear to do our mother of the year’s credibility any favours either.
Hopefully a few years of not being able to go outside and play with her friends at the beer store will set her back on the straight and narrow. If not, hopefully Sheboygan County will do the right thing in spite of it’s policy of trying to “keep families together even in cases of child abuse” and get these poor kids away from mommy the maniac before somebody makes her another offer she can’t refuse.