Last Updated on: 15th September 2016, 01:18 pm
A man walked into a Jersey City gas station to rob them. But the weirdest part about the story was what he walked in armed with. He had a gun in one hand and a potato in the other. A potato? Apparently a police officer says he may have seen movie scenes where a potato is used as a silencer. But a police ballistics expert says if he had used it like that, it wouldn’t have worked, and the potato would have exploded in his face.
Not that I’d want to see anyone get shot, but it would be cool if he’d tried to use it and ended up wearing potato. As of now, they’re looking for a man described as 30 to 35 years old, of strong build, and having red dreadlocks. As long as noone else got hurt, it would be great to add the fact that he’s covered in potato guts and has burns to his face to the description. It would make him easy to find.