Generally, the way you’d go about profiting from your counterfeit money operation would be passing the product at stores in exchange for items of actual value, or maybe selling it for a fee hopefully consisting of legitimate currency to people you have a pretty good sense you can trust. But that’s if you’re a logical, thinking criminal. If you’re a thickheaded moron, however, people you can trust can often extend way too far, sometimes all the way to that Craig guy and that list of his that everyone seems to enjoy.
According to a news release from the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, Crimeline received a tip in February about a person claiming to sell counterfeit currency in an online Craigslist ad with the heading “Legit Counterfeit $$.”
The sheriff’s office Economic Crimes Unit conducted three undercover purchases, and Torbert was arrested in the middle of a fourth sale.
As Torbert was being arrested, deputies with a search warrant entered his home and seized a printer, a computer and counterfeit currency.
The secret Service was also involved in the investigation, but the whys and hows of that were never explained.
Tony Jerome Torbert Jr. was charged with possession of counterfeit currency with intent to defraud, which could send him to federal prison for up to 20 non-counterfeit years if he’s convicted.