We’re Not All Like That, Some Of Us More so Than Others

Gill has a bunch to say about how race and disability are portrayed in pop culture. In my almost four decades of life I have watched a lot of TV,and in that time I’ve noticed things. There are stereotypes, from the wise old Asian man to the African American gangster girl. Today I’m going to …

If People Knew The True You

Here’s Gill with another of her periodic reminders to be yourself. I have often wondered what makes some people fake who they are, and others gladly be themselves. This curiosity lead me to think a bit about myself. A few years and another neighborhood ago, I felt differently about who I was, and felt like …

Would You Rather…?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CDs067081E We’re going to do this Gill thing a little differently today. She sent in a bunch of odd scenarios under the subject “Which would you rather?”, so I’m going to try to decide. Let’s see how this goes. Would you rather be eaten by a shark, or forced to watch the movie Jaws every …

Worst Or Funniest Prank Idea Ever

A touch late, but Gill has a prank suggestion for the kid’s next April. Recently it was April Fool’s Day and it got me to thinking about pranks. Last night I watched a youtube video about pranks, and one of them has decidedly given me the giggles. Want Some Brown E’s What you do for …